Simple Sewing


Summer finally seems to be here for good! It’s the perfect time for lemonade but storing it in pitchers means no lids, so I made covers! They look like little shower caps lol.




The shape for both was traced from a salad plate. The edges for the first are just folded down twice to make a casing for the elastic.



And the other is made with some of the bias tape I made here. It was a bit harder to close after threading the elastic (as you can probably see from my mess of thread) but I like the contrasting colors.

Petting Zoo

We went to a petting zoo the other day and I took the opportunity to get some pictures of the new jumpsuit I made.

DSC_0017 2b

This is the same Pleated Playsuit pattern I posted about here but the pant version. I had to reprint the pattern but it was definitely worth it!


This is actually the first time I’ve made the pleat in the top but I did make some other modifications this time. I widened the pant legs and put elastic in the hem instead of cuffs and shortened the bodice almost an inch. I think I was channeling my childhood envy of Jasmine’s outfit in Aladdin. I know, first Tinkerbell now Jasmine! But what’s the use of having kids if you can’t dress them in ridiculous outfits?


Pattern matching!



Pleated Playsuit


I made this last summer after the Elegance and Elephants’ pattern first came out but it still fits now! This was actually the third one that I made but the only one that still fits.


The pattern is free and comes in not only a wide range of sizes, but also as shorts or pants length! It was a really easy pattern to follow despite having done this back when I still didn’t really know what I was doing. Side-note: I think it makes her look like a baby Tinker Bell! Minus the wings and puff ball shoes.


I made a fixed length strap but the pattern actually has ties for the shoulders. At the time ties were supper fun to pull on for a baby so in this version I made straps and added extra length that I stitched down to the facing but could be let out when she grows.


It’s hard to tell but instead of one big pleat in the middle I did a few little ones along the neckline. As soon as I find where I stored this pattern I have plans to make a pant version. Ah the joys of unpacking!

Moneta Dress


This is a new pattern from Colette Patterns. It’s a great knit dress pattern that comes with a lot of customization options. I will definitely be making this again but in a more casual fabric. I bought this fabric on clearance at Joann’s and I really like it but I want a dress that has more every day wear potential. I also want to try shortening the bodice about an inch so it hits at my natural waist more.


I love the pockets!


I didn’t have any trouble putting the pattern together or following the instructions but one note is that there were a lot of pages to print. I thought I had mistakenly printed out the pieces for every version but after frantically stopping the printer and double checking I realized there were just a lot more than I was expecting.


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And here!

Simple Sewing


I’m thinking of making ‘Simple Sewing’ a weekly thing. Obviously there’s no actual sewing involved with this project but I use bias tape so often I wanted something that made me happier to see.




Each set took me about an hour to make but there’s roughly five yards of bias tape in each one so I think that’s a fair trade off and hopefully I’ll get faster with more practice. I used this tutorial to make everything from one fat quarter. I found that it worked well but in each one there’s one or two spots where a seam over laps and the fabric is a little thick, I haven’t tried to sew over it yet but it would probably be a little bulky.

Work in Progress


I’m still working on this pattern and it’s coming along but I’m still not 100% satisfied with the way the back fits.


While I was at it I made these matching pants for a whole Vintage May outfit! I used the shorts pattern from here and just extended and tapered the legs then used this tutorial to add the ties (I folded the cuff up to show more of the facing fabric). I love all things vintage and was going for a late 50’s vibe.




I’m obsessed with this gingham! Its a really lightweight cotton and I’m hoping to make a shirt out of it for me if I can find a good pattern to use.

Another Izzy


This was going to be a birthday present for a friends little girl but the inside didn’t turn out quite up to ‘gifting’ standards. I really wanted to use the piping to highlight the curved bodice and I love how it turned out but the inside is a little messy from so many layers.



So we’ll just have to keep it and come up with something else for the birthday girl. Darn it!


You can get the (free!) pattern for this here.


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Simple Sewing


This picture is from the shoot I mentioned here. We had family pictures done before we moved because my husband would be deploying afterwards. We wanted updated pictures to send with him but also for our daughter to have something she could remember him with.


I wanted something that would be easy for her to carry around and not have to worry about a glass frame breaking. The picture is just behind a piece of  vinyl with ric rac to hide the edges. I thought about leaving an opening to switch the picture out or take it out to be washed but I know it would just be a matter of time before she realized she could take it out and tear it.


I’ve never used ric rac before so I have no idea how you’re actually supposed to do corners but I had to finish before nap time so this is as good as its gonna get! So far she seems to like it and it’s extra cute to see her point and say Da Da and give it hugs.